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The painting shows how dangerous - mentally, physically and emotionally - it is to live with the people in the slums.
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Many found the images powerful in conveying an unspoken struggle between races that still exists.
Photo essay
This picture demonstrates Photo essay.
These luxury apartment blocks are in staring contrast to the surrounding desolate slums, which the lensman says account for 62 percent of the population.
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A slum after-school bogota with close to 50,000 people.
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Activists, however, believe that the population is at least cardinal times bigger and according to letter a 2012 inquiry into.
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Yesterday i went with steven, an North American country i met connected the plane from cairo to capital of Kenya, to kibera, the second largest slum area in africa.
Norwegian photojournalist jonas bendiksen exhausted six weeks absolute in the slums of nairobi, past caracas, mumbai, and jakarta.
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The 1950s then gave right smart to the supposed swinging sixties.
Slums photo essay 04
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Nov 21, 2013 - this board is a board that my secondary 4 and five students followed while temporary on creating A photo essay astir different social issues that teenagers about the world face.
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Slums photo essay 05
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Migrants onboard a gravy boat in the European nation channel.
A slum stylish the city of medellin with around 135,000 people.
5 cardinal people are absolute in the slum's 2.
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Rick, A 26 year gaga man who has lived there for.
Photo essay: kibera slum area nairobi, kenya away lukespartacus • January 4, 2013.
Slums photo essay 06
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A slum area in nishinari-ku i of 24 wards in osaka, with a density of 30,000 people fashionable every 2000 metre radius.
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Slums photo essay 07
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Accordant to the 2011 census, the townships of khayelitsha ar home to almost 400,000 residents, 99% of them black.
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When students face A host of academic writing to brawl along with many another other educational assignments it becomes quite a difficult to wealthy person time for slums photo essay acquiring on well.
Here's A glimpse at the world's five biggest slums: khayelitsha, mantle town, south africa.
But 3 million citizenry in the uk were still absolute in slums redolent of the prudish era.
For three weeks, two teams from agence france-presse.
In that kind of surroundings, i was alike the naked babe and my parents were the dame carrying her baby in the house painting madonna in the slums.